Birth Control

Birth control refers to simple, safe, and effective ways to prevent pregnancy. Both men and women can, and should, use it. Go through the different methods outlined here to decide what works for you.

Types of Birth Control

  • Natural methods: Withdrawal (where the penis is pulled out before ejaculation) and rhythm (abstaining from during the fertile days) are two natural methods, though ineffective. The most effective natural method is abstinence.
  • Female sterilization: Otherwise known as tubal ligation, this surgical procedure involves tying the fallopian tubes. It results in irreversible sterility.
  • Vasectomy: This involves permanently sealing the vas deferens that carry sperm.
  • Intrauterine device (IUD): It is a small T-shaped device placed into the uterus.
  • Hormonal contraception: This includes birth control pills (taken daily), patches (changed weekly), and rings (used once a month).
  • Emergency contraception: Also known as the “morning after pill”, it is most effective if used within five days of unprotected sex.
  • Condoms: There are two types of condoms - external and internal. External condoms are thin covering of latex that can be rolled over an erect penis, while internal condoms are inserted into the vagina.
  • Diaphragm: This is a round piece of flexible rubber with a rigid rim placed in the vagina to prevent semen from entering.